I got a redo on my 3D 4d ultrasound since baby boy didnt Cooperate the first time here are some pics of baby 1 at 28 weeks 6 days. However we do recommend a gestational age of 26-34 weeks for the best facial detail.
At 28 weeks babys hearing is so well developed he or she will startle at loud noises.

4d ultrasound 28 weeks pictures. 3D Ultrasound Photos at 14 20 Weeks. Your baby has to hold VERY still so that the high frequency sound waves have time to form around your babys features. First baby pictures Share.
Watch us on Your Carolina. The way 4D3D works is it sends sound waves into the uterus. GoldenView Ultrasound has 3d ultrasound facilities in San Antonio TX New York Cit.
At this stage the baby has put on some weight and filled out to make features more visible yet still enough fluid in front of babys face to obtain great images. See more ideas about 4d ultrasound pictures 4d ultrasound ultrasound pictures. This is baby Kinsley 28 Weeks 4D ultrasound session pictures and video clips.
I love mine and I am TOTALLY happy with doing it. 3D ultrasound photo gallery 14-20 weeks. All 3D ultrasound photos were taken in Greenville SC at Baby.
It is possible you may be scheduled for a more comprehensive and detailed ultrasound. 4d ultrasound Video taken at GoldenView Ultrasound at 28 weeks gestation. Baby Impressions 4D Ultrasound 620 Congaree Road Suite D.
The purpose of this ultrasound is to be sure that your fetus is developing normally. 4-D is similar to 3-D but it shows movement so you can see your baby kicking or opening and closing their eyes. 10 weeks 4 days.
I didnt have to pay for mine though but I would pay for it for sure with my next child if I have to. He was laying the right way to get good facial shots. This ultrasound is often called an anatomy scan.
This looks more like what youre used to seeing in a typical photograph. Baby Impressions 620. In a 3-D ultrasound many 2-D images are taken from various angles and pieced together to form a three-dimensional image.
27 Weeks Pregnant 113 pictures 28 Weeks Pregnant 187 pictures 29 Weeks Pregnant 127 pictures 30 Weeks Pregnant 101 pictures 31 Weeks Pregnant 108 pictures. Even though youd probably love to get a peek inside that 28 weeks pregnant belly its simply not necessary to have more than a couple ultrasounds throughout your pregnancy unless the doctor has a reason to monitor you extra carefully. 14-20 weeks 23-27 weeks 28-32 weeks 33-36 weeks.
Soon baby will starting turning hisher head to listen to sounds outside your body. This is the most beautiful baby in the world and it is the best Christmas gift. Aug 20 2018 - 4D Ultrasound before and after3D Ultrasound PicturesSonogram.
Click photo to enlarge. I had mine done at my last appointment I was 28 weeks and I got two really great pictures before he flipped over. 3D 5D ultrasound images and 4D ultrasound video can be obtained at any stage.
Therefore we suggest getting your babyface ultrasound at 28-34 weeks before baby gets too big and squished into the placenta. If your pregnancy has been uncomplicated dont expect to get a 28-week ultrasound at this appointment. Im only at 31 weeks but I had that 4D3D us and yes baby looked totally deformed.
Recently Posted Ultrasound Pictures. At 28 weeks pregnant a baby typically measures about 10 inches 254 centimeters from the top of their head to the bottom of their buttocks known as the crown-rump length and babys height is over 14 inches 361 centimeters from the top of their head to their heel crown-heel length. It is recommended that you have an ultrasound between 18 to 20 weeks.
28 Week 3d Ultrasound Pictures 28 Week 4d Ultrasound Images 3d 4d Ultrasound Near Me 29 Week 3d Ultrasound Pictures 3d Ultrasound At 28 Weeks. Sounds like you have a very active baby. This special ultrasound is called a level 2 ultrasound and may be recommended if the.
This week the babys weight is about 42 ounces or 2 12 pounds 1189 grams. If your placenta is posterior it will be under the baby and you can wait until 32-38 weeks to have your ultrasound. 11 Week Ultrasound Girl 32 Week 3d Ultrasound Pictures 32 Week 3d Ultrasound.
Your due date will be calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period. Many women do not realise that at 2 weeks the egg is not yet fertilised.
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Sometimes shell catch your eye and look at you.

Baby at 2 weeks. As a pregnant mother a woman should now begin to focus on changing her lifestyle and dietary habits if she has not already done so as this second week is a crucial turning point in the babys development. Use water to clean the area and watch for signs of an infection such as redness and swelling. The first two weeks with a new baby requires a lot of adjustments and can be physically exhausting for new parents.
This is the perfect chance to respond by looking back intently smiling and chatting to her. As the second week of pregnancy progresses you approach ovulation. Tender breasts nausea dizziness and drowsiness are just some of the symptoms women face during the second week.
This will happen sometime at the beginning of this week around day 14 of a regular 28-day menstrual cycle. Your baby at week 2 of pregnancy During the second week of pregnancy theres still no embryo. Sounds a little gross but its true.
Youre probably ovulating if you notice these signs at week 2 of pregnancy. Let go of less important tasks at this time and accept help from family or friends. I find it hard to believe hes skipped ahead that far so was wondering if this is right.
Newborns dont really spend much time awake. But your body has been preparing for pregnancy from week 1 when it shed its old uterine lining and expelled last months unfertilized egg. As the weeks go by your babys skeleton starts to harden from rubbery cartilage to bone and he or she develops the ability to hear.
Conception occurs about two weeks from this day and thats when youre truly considered pregnant. Your pregnancy at 2 weeks How your baby starts to grow Your pregnancy journey begins when an egg is released from one of your ovaries ovulation and moves into the fallopian tube. Its also normal and natural for a 2 week old baby to end a feed asleep at the breast.
Be sure to conserve your energy and rest when your baby sleeps. Egg white cervical mucus. At 2 weeks pregnant symptoms of ovulation can clue you in on the best time to have sex and hopefully conceive a baby.
If youre having any trouble feeding baby or keeping up with his seemingly insatiable appetite check in with your pediatrician. Baby development at 2 weeks Getting ready to grow a baby During the past few days an increase in estrogen and progesterone prompted the lining of your uterus to thicken to support a fertilized egg. Its more important than ever to be realistic with what you can accomplish so seek and accept support if you can.
Baby rolling over at 2 weeks. At 2 weeks old your baby will probably hit the first of many growth spurts so get ready for a more demanding hungrier yet still adorable newborn. At the beginning of the second trimester babies are about 3 12 inches long and weigh about 1 12 ounces.
At best you are ovulating. Your babys umbilical cord will probably fall off this week if it hasnt already and the spot may bleed a bit and take a few days to heal. 2-week-old development milestones Congratulations its a belly button.
When they are they usually want to feed. At two weeks into parenting the adrenaline and excitement of welcoming a baby can start to wear off and the reality of sleep deprivation fatigue and stress can settle in. Do look back at them keeping your face within 25cms of theirs as this marks the start of the communication between you.
At two weeks your babys natural reflexes are all-important. Tiny unique fingerprints are now in place and the heart pumps 25 quarts of blood a day. I googled it today to see if this is on track for development and whats next and all the results I found said they normally do this at 3 months.
My little man has been rolling from his tummy to his back since 16 days. At the same time in your ovaries eggs were ripening in fluid-filled sacs called follicles. At 2 weeks if your baby isnt feeding its likely shes sleeping.
What Is the Size of the Baby at Week 2 of Pregnancy. We say at best because on day 15 of your menstrual period you should be ovulating but only if you are one of the lucky few who has a. Shes growing stronger every day exercising her little muscles by sucking grasping rooting when she searches for your nipple and blinking.
Your babys development at two weeks old Your baby is still too little to focus their eyes but they love staring into your face with what seems like really intense concentration. Youre likely to feel kicks and flutters soon if you havent already. By 2 weeks your baby should have regained any initial weight lost.
Try our easy pregnancy workout at home. 26 weeks pregnant is how many months.
Keep Calm I M 26 Weeks Pregnant 14 Weeks To Go Poster Amy Estefani Keep Calm O Matic
No one knows for certain why pregnant mums are prone to cramp especially during the night but regular gentle ankle and calf exercises may prevent it from happening.

Im 26 weeks pregnant. He can hear a broader range of sound and can respond with changes in heartbeat breathing and movement. The 26th week of pregnancy is the last week of the second trimester. Your Common Symptoms This Week.
The closer you get to your due date the tougher it might be to get some rest. Youve probably been having monthly ante-natal checks throughout your second trimester and are getting used to whats involved each time. The sensation of dizziness can be caused by a variety of different things in pregnancy some of which are nothing to worry about.
By 26 weeks pregnant your babys tastebuds are now fully developed her nostrils are beginning to open and her mouth and lips are becoming more sensitive. 26 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms Trouble sleeping. Get the Fetal Life App for Apple and Android endorsed by the American Pregnancy Association.
From issues like being dehydrated to having low blood sugar to more serious conditions like preeclampsia and stroke there could be any number of reasons why youre feeling dizzy during your pregnancy. Your pregnancy symptoms in week 26 Leg cramps waking you up. As you near the end of your second trimester you may be still be feeling pretty good.
When your baby is born his or her eyes will already be 75 per cent of their adult size Your baby now weights around 16lbs and is approximately 355cm long. Heres some more information on how weeks months and trimesters are broken down in pregnancy. 26 Weeks Pregnant.
At 26 weeks pregnant here are some of the symptoms you may be experiencing. The 7 Best Sesame Street Toys of 2021 All the parts of your babys eyes are formed. At 26 weeks pregnant the ligaments in your pelvis may be loosening and becoming more flexible in preparation for labor and delivery.
The 26th Week Of Pregnancy. Vivid dreams are common among women in the third trimester. At 26 weeks of pregnancy you are entering into your sixth calendar month of pregnancy.
You at 26 weeks Pregnancy and birth can weaken the muscles of the pelvic floor and you may notice you leak pee when you cough sneeze or strain your stomach muscles. Sharing your body. If youre having a boy his testicles have begun to descend into his scrotum a trip that will take about two to three months.
The bones on the left and right sides come to lie very close to each other with a small gap to allow for further growth of the head and brain. Your baby may now be able to hear your voice. Your pelvic floor is made up of layers of muscles inside your body that stretch like a hammock from the pubic bone in front to the end of the backbone.
If youre 26 weeks pregnant youre in month 6 of your pregnancy. Symptoms Tips and More Changes in your body. At 26 weeks your uterus now reaches more than 2 inches above your belly button.
Baby development at 26 weeks. If i am ____ weeks pregnant when did i conceive. 26 Weeks Pregnant.
You might not like the puffiness but its normal to have some mild swelling around week 26 of pregnancy. Second trimester pregnancy symptoms at 26 weeks You might feel like hibernating now. We know that its tempting to slump on the sofa with a packet of biscuits but fight the urge youll feel so much better if you go for a walk and eat healthily instead.
Dreaming is a natural and healthy part of your sleep cycle but at this stage of pregnancy unsettling dreams can be common. If I am 2 Weeks 3 Weeks 4 Weeks 5 Weeks 6 Weeks 7 Weeks 8 Weeks 9 Weeks 10 Weeks 11 Weeks 12 Weeks 13 Weeks 14 Weeks 15 Weeks 16 Weeks 17 Weeks 18 Weeks 19 Weeks 20 Weeks 21 Weeks 22 Weeks 23 Weeks 24 Weeks 25 Weeks 26 Weeks 27 Weeks 28 Weeks 29 Weeks 30 Weeks 31 Weeks 32 Weeks 33 Weeks 34 Weeks 35 Weeks 36 Weeks 37 Weeks 38 Weeks 39 Weeks 40 Weeks Pregnant. Only 3 months left to go.
Week 26 of Your Pregnancy Your Babys Development at 26 Weeks. Time may seem to drag but just remember that you are one week closer to meeting your new baby. Facts to know about your baby in week 26 At 26 weeks your baby is starting to practice using their little lungs all ready for D day.
This is likely to taper off entirely over 5 weeks. Do you feel otherwise okay.
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I even had a health links nurse convince me.

Bright red bleeding 6 weeks postpartum. Lochia isnt usually bright red in color beyond the first week postpartum. I had to have a DC the next day to remove it. Of course sometimes fresh bleeding can be due to infection or retained placenta.
Exercise or increased activity can cause red bleeding and. Pregnancy-related bleeding can increase with increased exertion or. I was still bleeding bright red at 6 weeks PP.
This is called a late postpartum hemorrhage also known as a delayed or secondary postpartum hemorrhage. Almost straight away I felt so much better. It is bright red but not very heavy at all I have to wear a pad but it doesnt even get close to being filled or anything.
Like you my lochia seemed on its way out but at 4 weeks postpartum I started bleeding bright red blood. This just happened to me. I have my 6 week post partum check up on the 27th.
I had my baby boy 6 weeks old my bleeding stopped about a week ago then I all of a sudden started bleeding again a couple days ago. Because I was bleeding table spoons rather than cups cups would have meant straight to AE I was advised to go to my GP the following morning. Itll be 6 weeks on Wednesday since I gave birth.
Its usually lighter and can be watery or white in appearance. Im breastfeeding so i didnt think my period would come back so quickly. It may sometimes indicate serious conditions such as the following.
After about 12 days you may notice a small amount of yellow or pinkish discharge. Also the retained placenta. Last night I got up to feed DS and some blood leaked out went to the loo and saw it was quite a lot and bright red.
Postpartum Bleeding After 6 Weeks Usually lochia turns pale pink or brown by the second. DTD with DH for the first time since on Friday - all fine. Even though each womans body is unique some might bleed for about 2 weeks and others for 6 weeks.
Now Im bleeding exactly like a heavy period except its all bright red. According to medical experts blood loss or postpartum bleeding is excessive when its more than 500 milliliters of blood after vaginal birth and more than 1000 milliliters after a C-section. Late postpartum hemorrhages typically occur one to two weeks postpartum.
Bleeding after a vaginal delivery For the first one to three days after your baby is born the blood you see will likely be bright or dark red. I hadnt even realised how cräppy Id been feeling. Its v common for the bleeding to tail off and then go bright red again if youve been overdoing it.
It was the middle of the night so I called the maternity ward. As the uterus shrinks other bits of lochia uterine lining. The midwife was very sympathetic and checked what I should do with obstetrician.
But if you havent been doing more then what you normal do as of after having the. Dont be alarmed however if you find bright red bleeding reappears from time to time throughout the first 6 to 8 weeks. Didnt think much of it but my OB scanned me and found there was as a piece of placenta still in my uterus.
There will be heavy bleeding during the first days of delivery but then you will start experiencing bright- red blood as days go by. Bleeding soaks a maxi pad every hour for. At this point there are proportionately more white blood cells than red blood cells in the lochia which is.
My lochia bleeding had just about stopped last week. Bleeding in this way for 6 weeks is considered normal. Like you my bleeding had nearly stopped then out of nowhere started up again very heavy and bright red.
I am 6 weeks postpartum and am still bleeding. When you start bleeding bright red and its not right after delivery its your bodys way of saying slow down. There is a foul smelling discharge.
This can cause a lot of complications that can put overall health at risk. And this may last for about four to six weeks. Bright red bleeding that occurs six or more weeks after delivery is more likely to be your period.
The thing is that miscarriages are most common during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy so it is important to talk to your doctor if you. Forceps delivery and 2 tears but Ive healed well. No one wants to hear that but heavy bleeding at 6 weeks may well be a sign of miscarriage.
I swear postpartum recovery was my least favorite part of the whole thing. Then from day four to 10 the discharge changes its color from pinkish red to reddish brownish with. You have a fever or chills.
Heavy bleeding after giving birth is called postpartum hemorrhage. Light pinkish red and I was mildly concerned. The same thing happened 4 hours later when I was up with DS again.
What could this be from. Postpartum Bleeding If the blood remains bright red in color for more than 7 days after birth. Then by the end of the day the bleeding was red and bright and relatively heavy.
I had a pretty strong return to bleeding 6 weeks postpartum that scared the crap out of me so its definitely possible. If that placenta hadnt been removed I would have continued bleeding and likely ended up with a horrible infection. I see my doctor tomorrow for my 6 week check up.
You may experience bleeding at 6 weeks pregnant due to many different reasons. In both cases it is normal as long as the. Call your provider if you have bright red bleeding that lasts longer than a few days after delivery because this could indicate a problem.
It may smell like the blood you typically shed during. Though occasional brown red or yellow blood is spotted. Bleeding was gone and all of a sudden im back to bleeding again.
I am 6 weeks postpartum and just this morning i began bleeding slightly. Although the average length of bleeding is 6 weeks it takes your uterus much longer than that to shrink back to pre-pregnancy size. With postpartum bleeding the color of the blood appears bright red for the first three days.
Week 17 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21 Week 22 Week 23 Week 24 Week 25 Week 26 Week 27 Third Trimester. Hey ladies I was wondering if any of you have had a 3d4d ultrasound done around 16-17 weeks and if baby actually looked like a real baby.
Ivy S 3d Ultrasound 17 Weeks 2 Days Youtube
The big mid-pregnancy ultrasound will most likely take place between 18 weeks and 22 weeks.

17 weeks 3d ultrasound. Experts also discourage the use of any kinds of ultrasounds 2D Doppler 3D and 4D for the purpose of creating a memento. Typically this diagnostic test is performed after 17 weeks. Currently ACOG recommends that expecting women have at least one 2D ultrasound between weeks 18 to 22 of pregnancy noting that some women may also have a first-trimester ultrasound.
All of these images were taken here at SonoSmile which does amazing 3D ultrasound in Ocala Florida 2D 3D and 4D Ultrasound Ocala Florida. The girl ultrasound gallery is designed to show you what a baby girl looks like on ultrasound photos from various weeks of pregnancy. She wasnt very cooperative at first but at 1730 she finally turned around so we could see her entire face.
Due to fetal position and size some of the views at 17 weeks can be suboptimal that means that they are not 100 clear if this is the case a follow up Ultrasound will be recommended at week 20. The purpose of this ultrasound is to be sure that your fetus is developing normally. Our technicians are highly skilled at using the ultrasound technology to our best advantage in determining gender and despite the inherent imperfections in any technology have an unsurpassed accuracy rate.
We often times can determine gender after 15 weeks but we guarantee it after 17 weeks. The average height for a baby at 17 weeks from the top of their head to their heels known as crown-heel length is just under 7 34 inches 196 centimeters. It may be used if amniocentesis results were inconclusive and you and your partner want a more definitive answer about babys health.
18 to 20 Week Ultrasound. The doctor uses an ultrasound to find the place where the cord meets the placentathats the spot where they need to remove the blood. Each week in pregnancy can look slightly different.
Should You Get a Keepsake 3D or 4D Ultrasound. At this stage the baby has put on some weight and filled out to make features more visible yet still enough fluid in front of babys face to obtain great images. Youll notice that what you see varies a lot by the number of weeks of gestation.
At 17 weeks baby measures just over 5 14 inches 135 centimeters when measured from the top of their head to the bottom of their buttocks crown-rump length. 17 week Ultrasound is performed Transabdominally and here is a glimpse of what you can expect to see remember this is the anatomy scan. This ultrasound is often called an anatomy scan.
3D Ultrasound at 17 Weeks or 18. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. It is recommended that you have an ultrasound between 18 to 20 weeks.
Second Trimester Ultrasound. This week you may get to see your baby. 3D 5D ultrasound images and 4D ultrasound video can be obtained at any stage.
A 17 weeks pregnant ultrasound may also be recommended to find the cause of vaginal bleeding if any. Hubby got a little too excited tonight and when he was calling for info about a 3d4d ultrasound he actually made an appointment for one day before I am 17 weeks. Im looking into going for a 3D ultrasound before my 20 week ultrasound and Im wondering if its a better experience to go at 17 or 18 weeks.
It is possible you may be scheduled for a more comprehensive and detailed ultrasound. The position of the placenta the condition of the amniotic sac and amniotic fluid the status of the cervix and overall uterine condition can also be checked with the help of a sonogram. However we do recommend a gestational age of 26-34 weeks for the best facial detail.
Ultrasound for the purpose of gender determination is optimal beginning at 17 weeks. Medically reviewed by. Our ultrasound video from 27 weeks.
This page shows typical 3D ultrasound images from 11 to 36 weeks.
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- hopscotch
- hospital
- hostess
- hotels
- house
- hulk
- humpty
- hunt
- hurt
- husband
- hustles
- hydrocortisone
- idea
- ideal
- ideas
- identical
- ikea
- illinois
- images
- implantation
- inappropriate
- inch
- incision
- inclusive
- increase
- incredible
- indian
- indoor
- infant
- infantino
- infants
- infection
- infections
- infertile
- infertility
- inflatable
- ingenuity
- inner
- insect
- inseminate
- installation
- intense
- interactive
- intimate
- into
- invitation
- invite
- invites
- iron
- irregular
- islands
- italian
- italy
- itch
- itchy
- jack
- jacket
- james
- jealous
- jeans
- jessie
- jewish
- jobs
- joes
- jude
- juice
- july
- jungle
- just
- justin
- jwoww
- karts
- kate
- keep
- kelty
- kids
- kindergarten
- kindergartners
- kitchen
- kits
- know
- korean
- kristoff
- labels
- labor
- ladder
- ladies
- lake
- lamb
- language
- large
- laser
- last
- late
- laugh
- leader
- learn
- leave
- leaved
- leaving
- left
- lego
- legs
- lenox
- lesson
- letters
- leukemia
- levels
- lice
- life
- lift
- lifting
- ligation
- light
- lights
- lightweight
- like
- line
- lips
- liquid
- list
- little
- live
- living
- lock
- locks
- long
- looks
- lose
- loss
- lotrimin
- loud
- louis
- love
- lower
- lubricants
- lullaby
- lump
- lumps
- lyme
- macaroni
- machine
- made
- make
- makeover
- makes
- makeup
- male
- mama
- mango
- manual
- many
- mardi
- marinade
- marisol
- mark
- marks
- marmalade
- mashed
- mask
- matching
- maternity
- maths
- mcstuffins
- meal
- meals
- mean
- meaning
- meat
- medela
- medicine
- meditation
- medula
- melatonin
- memorial
- menstrual
- menu
- mermaid
- mesh
- message
- metairie
- metal
- michaels
- mickey
- midwife
- mild
- milestones
- milk
- mini
- miniature
- minnie
- miracle
- mirena
- mirror
- mirrors
- miscarriage
- moana
- moccasins
- model
- mommy
- moms
- monistat
- monitor
- monitoring
- monitors
- monkey
- montego
- month
- months
- morning
- moses
- mosquito
- most
- mother
- mothers
- motion
- motor
- mountain
- mouse
- mouth
- move
- movement
- movie
- movies
- moving
- much
- mucus
- muffin
- multivitamin
- munchkin
- museum
- museums
- music
- musical
- mustard
- name
- names
- naming
- nanny
- napkins
- native
- natural
- nausea
- nautical
- navy
- neck
- necklace
- necklaces
- needs
- negative
- neti
- neutral
- newborn
- newborns
- newspaper
- next
- niÃo
- niece
- night
- nightgown
- nightgowns
- nike
- ninja
- nits
- noodles
- nose
- note
- notes
- nuggets
- numb
- number
- nursery
- nurses
- nursing
- nyquil
- occupational
- offenders
- ohio
- oils
- older
- oldest
- olds
- omeprazole
- open
- opening
- optical
- oral
- orange
- organic
- organics
- organizing
- origin
- ornament
- ornaments
- other
- ottoman
- outdoor
- outfit
- over
- overnight
- ovulation
- pacifiers
- pack
- packing
- pads
- pages
- pain
- painful
- paint
- painting
- pajamas
- panic
- pants
- paper
- parent
- parenting
- parents
- park
- part
- parties
- party
- pass
- pasta
- peanut
- pear
- pedialyte
- pensacola
- people
- pepcid
- pepper
- peppers
- period
- periods
- phil
- phone
- photo
- photos
- physical
- pick
- picked
- picture
- pictures
- piece
- pill
- pillow
- pills
- pillsbury
- pineapple
- pink
- pirates
- pizza
- place
- places
- plan
- planning
- plans
- plaque
- plastic
- plates
- play
- player
- playhouses
- playing
- playpens
- plus
- pneumonia
- poem
- poison
- polish
- polycystic
- pony
- pooh
- pool
- popcorn
- popular
- pork
- portable
- poster
- postpartum
- potato
- potatoes
- potty
- pounds
- powder
- prediction
- pregnancy
- pregnant
- premature
- prenatal
- preparing
- preschool
- preschoolers
- preschools
- prescription
- present
- presents
- pressure
- prevent
- price
- printable
- printables
- printing
- prodromal
- products
- projects
- pros
- protection
- protein
- providers
- psychological
- psychology
- ptosis
- pudding
- puerto
- pull
- pulled
- pump
- pumping
- pumpkin
- punta
- push
- qualifications
- questions
- quinoa
- quotes
- rachael
- rachel
- racism
- rail
- rainforest
- raising
- range
- rash
- rashes
- raspberry
- rate
- rates
- reaction
- reading
- real
- rear
- reasons
- recall
- recalled
- recalls
- recipe
- recipes
- reduce
- reflux
- reglan
- relationship
- relationships
- relaxation
- relief
- religion
- remedies
- remedy
- remote
- removal
- removing
- reno
- repellent
- replacement
- resorts
- respect
- restaurant
- restaurants
- reusable
- reveal
- reviews
- ribs
- rice
- ride
- rider
- riding
- right
- ring
- risk
- risks
- roast
- roasted
- robe
- robes
- robitussin
- rock
- rocket
- rocking
- roll
- rolling
- rolls
- romance
- ronald
- room
- rooms
- root
- rosemary
- round
- rubber
- rubiks
- runny
- sack
- safe
- safety
- saftey
- salad
- sale
- saline
- salmon
- salt
- sandwiches
- sanitizer
- santa
- sauce
- sauerkraut
- sausage
- scab
- scanner
- scary
- scavenger
- schedule
- schedules
- schools
- science
- scissors
- scooby
- screen
- search
- seat
- seater
- seats
- section
- seed
- selection
- self
- sensation
- sensitive
- sensor
- setting
- sexual
- shampoo
- shaped
- shapes
- sharing
- sheet
- shirt
- shirts
- shoes
- shoot
- short
- shortcake
- shot
- shots
- should
- show
- shower
- showers
- showing
- siblings
- sick
- sickness
- side
- sign
- signs
- sinus
- sippy
- sister
- site
- size
- skid
- skin
- skins
- skirt
- sleds
- sleep
- sleeper
- sleeping
- slide
- sling
- small
- smart
- smell
- smells
- smoking
- snapchat
- snow
- snowsuit
- socks
- soda
- soft
- solids
- some
- someone
- song
- songs
- soon
- sore
- sound
- sources
- south
- southern
- space
- spacesaver
- spade
- spaetzle
- special
- speech
- spice
- spinach
- spit
- spitting
- spoil
- sports
- spotting
- spout
- spray
- springbreak
- springform
- squash
- stages
- stand
- standing
- star
- starbucks
- start
- starting
- statistics
- stay
- steak
- step
- sterling
- stick
- stickers
- stiff
- stocking
- stockings
- stokke
- stomach
- stool
- stools
- stop
- stories
- stork
- story
- strap
- straps
- straw
- strawberry
- strech
- strep
- stretch
- stroller
- strollers
- strong
- student
- stuff
- stuffed
- stuffer
- style
- successful
- sugar
- suit
- suits
- summer
- sunburn
- sunscreen
- super
- superhero
- supplementing
- supplies
- supply
- support
- surrogate
- suvs
- swaddle
- sweater
- sweaters
- sweating
- sweats
- sweet
- swim
- swimming
- swimsuits
- swing
- swings
- switch
- symbols
- sympathy
- symphony
- symptom
- symptoms
- syndrome
- syrup
- system
- systems
- table
- taffy
- tail
- tails
- take
- tales
- talking
- talks
- tampa
- taping
- tattoos
- teach
- teacher
- teachers
- teaching
- tear
- tech
- techniques
- teddy
- teds
- teen
- teenage
- teenager
- teenagers
- teens
- teeth
- teether
- teething
- tell
- telling
- tells
- temper
- temperature
- templates
- tent
- tents
- test
- testing
- thank
- thanksgiving
- that
- their
- theme
- themed
- themes
- themselves
- therapists
- therapy
- there
- thighs
- thing
- things
- third
- this
- throat
- thrones
- throwing
- thrush
- tick
- ticks
- tight
- tike
- tikes
- time
- timer
- tiny
- tips
- toddler
- toddlers
- toilet
- tomato
- tonight
- tooth
- toothbrush
- tops
- toxic
- toys
- trade
- trader
- trainer
- training
- trampoline
- transgender
- transition
- travel
- travelling
- treat
- treating
- treatment
- treatments
- trek
- trend
- trick
- trimester
- trimmers
- troubled
- truck
- true
- trunks
- trying
- tubal
- tubes
- tums
- tuna
- turkey
- turtle
- tutu
- tweens
- twin
- twins
- twitching
- tylenol
- types
- ugly
- ultrasound
- umbilical
- unborn
- uncircumcised
- under
- unicorn
- unique
- unscramble
- upgrade
- uppababy
- upper
- upset
- urine
- used
- uterus
- vacation
- vacations
- vaccinate
- vaccine
- valentine
- valentines
- vanilla
- vanishing
- vegans
- vendors
- video
- videos
- violet
- virgin
- visit
- vitamin
- vomiting
- vote
- waist
- walker
- walkers
- walking
- wall
- wallpaper
- walmart
- want
- wants
- warm
- warmer
- warrior
- wars
- warts
- wash
- watch
- water
- wean
- wear
- wearable
- wedding
- weddings
- week
- weeks
- weight
- whale
- what
- when
- where
- while
- white
- whole
- whooping
- wife
- will
- willed
- wings
- winter
- witch
- with
- without
- wizard
- wolf
- woman
- women
- womens
- wont
- wooden
- woods
- wording
- words
- work
- working
- workouts
- worksheets
- world
- would
- wrap
- wraps
- wyatt
- yard
- yards
- year
- years
- yeast
- yellow
- yogurt
- york
- your
- yourself
- zantac
- zoom
- zyrtec